TPG and ApoNow donate 6000 euros to children’s aid project in Uganda
TPG and ApoNow donate 6000 euros to children’s aid project in Uganda
› Helping children to help themselves: Education is the best vaccine against poverty
Poverty makes people hopeless. „It is precisely this vicious circle that needs to be broken sustainably – through education,“ says Dr. Dominik Benner, Managing Partner of The Platform Group. This is precisely where the PMCO association in Uganda comes in with its project. TPG and ApoNow are supporting the initiative with a donation of 6,000 euros.
Education is the best vaccine against poverty and hopelessness – this is the motto of the Peace Memorial Christian Organization, PMCO, which is financed by contributions, donations and sponsorships. In the district of Mityana in Uganda, a large area was purchased for this purpose and a school – the only one in the entire region – was built.
The children of the PMCO aid program are cared for holistically – physically, emotionally and socially. In addition to attending school, including school clothing/materials and regular meals, this also includes loving attention and care from the staff. The development of a training company ensures that the students have a perspective after graduation.
„PMCO’s work is a model with a future, not just a drop in the bucket,“ said Thomas Engels, managing partner of ApoNow. „Through education, unemployment will decrease and with it poverty. The lives of all people in the Mityana district will change positively in the long term.“ ApoNow GmbH has already been supporting the aid project for some time through two sponsorships and donations.
The 6000 euros donated by ApoNow and The Platform Group, which now includes 3700 retailers from all sectors such as ApoNow and Schuhe24, will be invested in the construction of sanitary facilities, among other things.
All information on sponsorships and donation opportunities can be found at www.pmco-uganda.de.
Further information on ApoNow: www.aponow.de
Further information about The Platform Group: www.the-platform-group.com
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