Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
› Can you imagine what it’s like not to know your birthday? When you don’t know what the word ‚birthday‘ means? What does that do to your identity and self-worth? How do you introduce yourself somewhere if you don’t know how old you are? No presents, no encouraging words, no birthday cake, no candles, no birthday songs?
What sounds unimaginable to us is reality for most of our children, because most of them do not know their birthday. Not even the parents or grandparents know on which day their (grand)children were born.
The aim of our work is to educate a „whole child“. A child who is self-confident and can love because he or she is loved. A child who feels valued and can therefore value other people. A child who is sensitive, empathic, attentive, open-minded, strong-willed, honest and independent. A child who is secure in his identity and knows his own worth.
We think knowing one’s birthday and being celebrated for each year of life contributes greatly to this development.
For the PMCO children who don’t know their birthday, we set a birth month in the year and each month we celebrate the children who had their birthday in the previous month. Last week we celebrated all our August babies! There was cake, birthday songs were sung, birthday candles were lit, snacks, soft drinks, games and lots of fun!
The day was not only exciting for our godchildren – also for our parents, because they have never experienced such birthday parties themselves. Therefore, there was not only cake for the children, but also for the parents – what a great day!
Besides the fun part of the day, we also divided the children into small groups and talked to them about the topic of „communication“. Again with a view to developing a „whole child“ who can communicate confidently. At the same time, there was a parents‘ meeting where our parents received information about the third and last school term, which will start in a few days.
We think it was a very successful day!
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