The whole world suffers from this war
The war is also making itself felt in Uganda. Wheat and cooking oil prices are climbing remarkably. But here the poor suffer the most, because until recently they did not earn any money due to the Corona crisis. Now their daily wages are barely enough for a necessary meal. All our children come from such families. Through our emergency aid during the two-year lockdown in Uganda, we were able to ensure their survival.
The PMCO children receive regular meals at school. But on weekends and during vacations, the relatives with whom the children then live try to provide food. For many of our families, this is hardly possible, especially with the current price increases.
We only accept needy families into our school program, but couldn’t stand by for long and see that while this allows us to pay the children’s school fees, everything else essential to life is missing from the children and their families. That is why we started a living sponsorship some time ago.
If you feel the same way as we do and it tears your heart apart that the poorest of the poor are suffering even from wars thousands of miles away, and there is no way to escape from malnutrition, forced marriage and modern slavery, then sign up for a living sponsorship today. Because despite the terrible war in Ukraine, we will not forget the rest of the world. Today more than ever, children need our protection.
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