New dates for the Community of Godpartens
Can I write letters to my godchild? Is there a possibility to visit my godchild in Uganda? Can I send him Christmas presents? What is my sponsored child’s everyday life like and what does my donated money do there?
We are sure that you have already asked yourself at least one of these questions as a sponsor – and you are not alone! We now have 75 children who go to school through sponsorships. And behind every child is a sponsor. Our organisation is growing and our sponsor community is growing with it. That’s great, but we still want to keep it personal.
For this reason, we, as sponsors, have created a sponsor community that meets and exchanges ideas online on a regular basis. PMCO godparents from all over Germany with the PMCO team from Germany, Switzerland and even Uganda attend these meetings to keep you up to date with the latest developments of the children. Current information and updates as well as reports live from Uganda are always part of these meetings.
This not only gives you the opportunity to ask your questions and make contacts with each other, but is also a chance for us to come up with new ideas and wishes. Because we want to be an organisation that continues to develop in all areas – and of course you can’t be left out!
Therefore, no matter whether you are already a sponsor or not, join us at the next Community of Godparents meeting on Tuesdays at 7 pm. The link to the meeting can be clicked on shortly before the date (takes place via TEAMS, as DSGVO compliant). Our next dates:
We have already answered some questions here – have a look!
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