A short journey to the Pearl of Africa
Two reports from our visitors
› Did I think I would lose my heart for an organisation, for children and for the people of another country when I got on the plane? Did I realise how formative this short time would truly be for me? To both of these questions, the same small and simple answer is no.
Hey my name is Emmanuel and I had the honour to visit PMCO in Uganda for a fortnight. In that short time, I saw what a difference we can cause in other people’s lives if we are willing to advocate and invest ourselves in them. Again, how much we can learn from them that can shape us for life. The PMCO team truly loves children and their families, otherwise they could not give 120% to them. Be it in the office, on the construction site, at meetings with parents or playing with the children. The team takes a real stake in people’s lives and tries to support them where they need help to help themselves. Helping people to help themselves. This brief insight has left a deep impression on me and moved me. It is worth going on a dive and bringing out the pearls from the bottom of the sea.
Your Emmanuel
Hello 🙂 My name is Lisa and I was in Uganda for 14 days this year in June 2022. Within my studies, I was scheduled to go abroad and I got to visit PMCO with two other students and get to know the organisation. It was my first trip outside of Europe and I was very excited because the trip was totally out of my comfort zone. Starting with my fear of flying and what it would be like to experience a completely different culture, I was up for the challenges.
Juli, Ray and the PMCO team looked after us incredibly well. It was really a very special, personal and inspiring care. During these 14 days we got an insight into the following areas: PMCO foundation and vision, parenting, school education system in Uganda, sponsorship work.
It was a life-changing journey and I am totally grateful to have taken this step. What touched me the most was the direct work with the children and the families. Seeing and experiencing how they live there was very emotional. We were always warmly welcomed and although from a western point of view one would say that they didn’t have much, they were extremely hospitable and gave us gifts. The joy they radiated was out of this world.
I have to honestly admit, before I went to Uganda, I underestimated the work that goes on in these areas. I underestimated how important and valuable it is to simply „meet“ the people and the children and thus show them that „we“ see them, perceive them and that they are not forgotten. The fact that we give them our attention and take time for them makes an essential difference. Of course, it also requires finances, but the personal relationship is worth much more than that. I was very impressed and inspired by the efforts of the PMCO team. It was definitely not the last time I was there and I really recommend it. Especially if you have a sponsored child. It is such a beautiful experience and enrichment.
Thank you very much for this unforgettable trip 🙂
Your Lisa
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